Selda Wyatt’s PAIN ANNIHILATOR explores a descent into hell With inspirations ranging from 70’s library music, Swans, Giallo films, and the Greek mythological trip through the underworld, Selda Wyatt’s PAIN ANNIHILATOR brings forth a unique and fierce sonic picture of Lynchian tragedy on this new EP. This portrait offers an insight to the repercussions of excess, of heartbreak and self-reflection, set to a score of palpitating apocalypse. This initial EP also focuses on collaborations with other like minded artists and surmises the scene of complete depravity through the lens of myth reinterpreted as we see Selda embark through the trials of Hades.

As part of a larger work built throughout recent years, the arrival of “ACT IV” is fuel and vitriol and everything precious in between. Opening tracks “GODLESS” and “CAGE FIRE PINK PENTAGRAM '' bring aural attacks like a voltaic viper pit. FATBOI SHARIF’s heavy-hitting delivery on the second track is one to shake the halls of the underworld. “I AM HUMAN”, “AN ARM FOR AN EYE” and “WINGS BACK” counter the violent sounds of the first two tracks, bringing forth an atmosphere reminiscent of a love letter from a hallowed sacrifice, a martyrdom of self, looking back at a static, perpetual reflection.

Pain Annihilator ACT IV


Death Dance Music